

I started to write this blog in 2014 when VoLTE was a new technology. Thanks to these pages I’ve learned a lot and it was satisfying to see that my “notes” were useful for others too. In 2023 I added mission-critical.info for those interested in mission-critical systems.

Although I’d love to be fully focused on witting and spend all my time here, currently I have only a limited time to keep the posts updated or to create a new content. Please accept my apologies for a little bit rusty articles and always cross-check the information with the new telco standards.

In our daily practice or even in product training we usually don’t have enough time to discuss the basics and related specifications, so here I want to share some interesting information. In general all the information here is taken from standards (and mostly confirmed in practice with mobile operators all around the globe). I feel so honored to find some of my explanations in other trainings and documents (including GSMA 😉) , as my goal always has been to help people to understand complex telecom standards. (No harm, if you provide a reference though :))


In order to keep a manageable size of posts I have to brush over some of the (sometimes quite important!) details. I apologize in advance if you find my brief description over-simplistic or inaccurate. If you spot any incorrect or misleading information, please let me know.

Some interesting facts about RTC readers.

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https://travelingtelcotrainer.wordpress.com/ – photo blog



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14 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Karel, Do you have a direct email address where we can leave you comments/questions? I’d hate to leave questions around the blog randomly.. and I”m not sure if you are alerted to all comments?


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